Friday, 5 July 2013

Cats and crochet

I've noticed that people who love crochet are also in love with cats.  Or maybe that's just a common thing among the people I follow on Instagram.  I have two dogs and two cats but I am particularly fond of the always pan-faced Jack.  Jack is a Siamese cat given to us as a house-warming gift from friends who are also cat lovers.

He's either pissed or indifferent.

Back when I was still pregnant, Jack would be my constant companion while I was doing my crochet projects.  He would either be asleep beside me or on my yarns. But mostly he'd be asleep.

Jack before snuggling next to the yarns to fall asleep.
As the work week is coming to a close, I'll probably spend my weekend finishing up on my projects, taking care of Senna and watching Jack fall asleep in front of me. 

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